Digest This is a collage style image that displays the magazines a student has collected over one year through a magazine subscription service from Architectural Digest. The magazine subscription was obtained to assist in the student’s interior design major for inspiration. This means that this form of waste production is not directly tied to the educational system but in a way somehow is as well.
Digest This was created to raise awareness about how waste can be produced in many ways through the educational system weather it was intended by the institution or not.
2,000 sheets of paper per day. That is how many sheets of paper an average school uses. With all of the schools combined in Canada we could be consuming approximately 32 billion sheets of paper a year. Digest This represents these haunting facts because those numbers do not include paper used by students outside of the institution physically but that are still creating paper product waste because of the education institution they are tied to.
While Digest This may appear as a fun and stylized image of aesthetic magazines is truly represents the haunting nature of hidden paper waste tied to the academic world.