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We Were Air


We Were Air touches on the subject matter of paper waste produced by the academic world. From handouts, tests and textbooks, paper and paper products are used everyday especially in the academic world. Paper and paper products make up more than 1/3 of all of Canada’s waste and only ¼ of it is properly recycled. In the academic world paper can be used in many sneaky ways as well, such as quick jots on sticky notes that are forgotten about or attendance sign in sheets. Canada produces 6 million tonnes of paper and paper product waste every year with a significant percentage coming from the educational world.


We Were Air specifically displays the notebooks that one student went through in one semester for notetaking, sketches, etc. A total of 6 notebooks are present in this image. Each notebook has been filled, every page, every line. While the image itself is not haunting the facts and impact of it can be seen as such. Evaluate your impact.

M.Maass, 2021
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