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K-Killer is an homage to the caffeine addicts that are produced through the academic world. Pulling an all nighter, getting caffeinated for an exam, or just trying to wake yourself up are all common scenarios encountered by students in post-secondary programs. Coffee breaks and coffee culture no longer represent a slow and relaxing atmosphere and is no longer seen as a time to relax and take a break. Today’s world, especially the academic world, is focused on getting energy as quickly as possible to continue doing more work. While the subject of this image could touch on many topics such as the increasingly toxic environment of some corporate workplaces or the overall stigma and struggle of many students’ mental health through university and collage, the images’ main goal was to bring to light how much waste is created through the education system.

Many if not most students, administration staff, teachers and professors drink coffee or another form of hot beverage everyday. Keurig identifies themselves as a solution to the average persons hectic workday by providing a new kitchen appliance that makes hot drink in under 3 minutes. K-Cups were designed and are exclusively used for Keurig brand machines. They are comprised of a small plastic up and a foil lid, the cup contains coffee grounds, tea leaves, etc. Each pod brews a single beverage with the press of a button, they are then designed to be thrown away after one use. Yes, that’s right, no composting, no recycling, they go straight to the trash. Currently the number of K-Cups in landfills could wrap around the earth 10 times.

M.Maass, 2021

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